During the eLINC Congress 2021, Pr. Scheinert presented a lecture titled: “ILLUMINA Study 2 years results: latest updates”.
The ILLUMINA First In Human study has been designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NiTiDES, the new self-expanding polymer free drug eluting stent for SFA manufactured by CID S.p.A. member of Alvimedica group.
As already disclosed, the 2 years follow up results of the study were impressive: in spite of the complexity of the patients and the lesions (2pts Rutherford 5, lesions up to 140mm and 55% of moderate/ heavy calcifications), the device guarantees excellent SAFETY performance (91.9% Freedom from device related MAE), and great EFFICACY (93.1% Freedom from TLR and 83.4% Primary Patency rate).
In this further release, a new specific sub group analysis dedicated to the diabetic patients has been shown. Thanks to this analysis, it has been demonstrated that, also in this complex settings, the performance of NiTiDES represents a benchmark in the Drug Eluting Stent landscape with a result of 96.8% Freedom from TLR.
NiTiDES is a polymer free drug eluting stent with three unique features: